
Before your personal injury case is settled, you have an important decision to make.

A structured settlement might help you secure your financial future.

What is a Structured Settlement?

Structured Settlements Drawn Out  

A Structured Settlement is a series of tax- free guaranteed payments arising from a settlement due to an injury.  This video give you an overview of the possible benefits of structuring.

For over 35 years, the federal government has encouraged injury victims and their dependents to use structured settlements by means of favorable tax rules for injury victims. Structured settlements have also attracted strong support from plaintiff attorneys, state attorneys general, legislators, judges, and disability advocates.

Read more: What Are Structured Settlements?

Potential Benefits of Structuring Attorney’s Fees

Pacific Life Structured Attorney Fees  

A Structured Settlement is a series of tax- free guaranteed payments arising from a settlement due to an injury.  This video give you an overview of the possible benefits of structuring.

hat is the 'Standard & Poor's 500 Index - S&P 500'

The Standard & Poor's 500 Index (S&P 500) is an index of 500 stocks seen as a leading indicator of U.S. equities and a reflection of the performance of the large cap universe, made up of companies selected by economists. The S&P 500 is a market value weighted index and one of the common benchmarks for the U.S. stock market;

Read more: Standard & Poor's 500 Index - S&P 500

Structured Installment Sale
Joan’s story.

Joan is selling her property and can receive the proceeds in a lump sum or use a structured Installment Sale.
Which do you think is the better choice for her?

Testimonial for Employment
Cases Britt Karp

 On this Ringler Radio podcast, Larry Cohen and
co-host, Mike Zea have a special guest on the show, Caryn Siebert, Vice President/Head of Claims for Knight Insurance Group, to take a look at the insurance company’s perspective on structured settlements. They discusses regulations, payments to structured settlement claimants, and educating clients on the benefits of structured settlements.

How does an independent assignment company work in your favor when it comes to attorney fees?  And can attorneys structure their fees after a settlement agreement has been concluded?  Join Ringler Radio host, Larry Cohen and co-host, Mike Zea with guest, Lynne P. Martel, Managing Director of Havelet Services Guernsey Limited and marketing and service agent for Havelet Assignment Company, as they discuss options to maximize deferred taxation in attorney fees

Contact us to setup your Havelet defered attorney fees structure

Sweeping changes in the law affecting workers’ compensation cases in California
have taken effect over the past two years. Join Ringler Radio host, Larry Cohen from Ringler in Boston and Mike Zea, co-host from Ringler in Newport Beach, CA
with special guest, Attorney Nathan G. Halprin, managing partner at the Orange County law office of
Tobin Lucks. Attorney Halprin has defended many employers in workers’ comp cases and is a
certified specialist in workers’ comp at the California Bar, as well as a national speaker on the topic. Join us to explore all the changes in California including employer medical provider networks, utilization review and much more.

Hear more podcasts here:

With the recent Supreme Court decision in King v. Burwell, regarding the Affordable Care Act, how will the ACA impact structured settlements?  Join Ringler Radio host, Larry Cohen and co-host, Mike Zea with special guest, Jordan BosslerDirector with the AIG Structured Settlement Departmentas we simplify this sometimes complex topic to consider what types of cases may be effected and what it means for Medicare and Medicaid.

A special needs trust is designed to financially support a disabled individual, providing many benefits to the individual with long-term financial stability. Join Ringler Radio host, Larry Cohen and co-host, Mike Zea, as they join Will Lindahl, MBA, CLPF, National Enrollment Director for CPT Special Needs Trusts,  to discuss the process of setting up a special needs trust, when an individual should consider setting one up the cost and the difference between an individual special needs trust and a pooled special needs trust.