What We Do

Z C Settlement Advisors a member of Ringler, specializes in providing objective customized settlement plans that fulfill the needs of an injured party. Z C Settlement Advisors take all aspects into consideration when formulating a settlement plan. When you bring one of our advisors to a settlement discussion, you can rely on getting the very best service, the most options, and the most appropriate consultative settlement planning in the industry. We are familiar with issues relating to Medicare, Medicaid, Medi-Cal, Social Security and investment information that must be considered to develop the most appropriate settlement plan for each case.


Our Services

For the Attorney

Customized Settlement planning for your client's safety, stability, and peace-of-mind. We work to protect your client’s future.

Our passion to be the best is what drives us to constantly improve our products and services.


For the Claims Professional

With over 22 years of experience in the structured world we offer creative and extensive settlement plans in Personal Injury, Workers' Compensation, Mass Torts, Medical Mal Practice, Federal Government, Commercial Contracts, Employment Law, and Constructive Defect.

For Injured Party

Customized settlement plans are tailored to your specific needs and wants.

We not only use structured settlement solutions in our planning, but use a variety of other products and solutions to create the best possible outcome. We protect futures.


Structured Installment Sale

Business owners who are planning to sell their business or real estate holding might be facing the prospect
of a substantial capital gain. It’s important to evaluate the tax and financial options available for the proceeds
from such transactions.